Here's just a few of the lessons inside!

    1. Interactive Notebook Introduction PowerPoint and EDITABLE FILES

    2. Interactive Notebook Intro 1-3 Table of Contents Directions

    3. Interactive Notebook Intro 4-5 Cover Title Page

    4. Interactive Notebook Intro 6 INB Guideline

    5. Interactive Notebook Intro 7-8 Table of Contents

    6. Interactive Notebook Intro 9-11 All About Me

    7. Interactive Notebook Intro 12 Root Word Inst

    8. Interactive Notebook Intro 13 Life Sci Root Words

    9. Interactive Notebook Intro 14 Earth Sci Root Words

    10. Interactive Notebook Intro 15 Physical Sci Root Words

    11. Interactive Notebook Intro 16 Blank Root Words

    12. Interactive Notebook Intro 17 Blank Important Info

    13. Interactive Notebook Intro 18-20 Whats Your SciQ

    14. Interactive Notebook Intro 21 IB Learner Profile

    15. Interactive Notebook Intro 22 Bellwork Template

    1. *Table of Contents Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook

    2. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 1-2 Colors of Me

    3. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 3-5 All About Me

    4. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 6-7 Three Lies Truth

    5. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 8-9 Tell the Teacher

    6. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 10-11 Classmate Interview

    7. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 12-14 I Will Poem

    8. Beginning of Year Interactive Notebook 15-16 Social Circles

    1. End of Year INB 3-4 Table of Contents

    2. End of Year INB 5-7 Evaluations Template

    3. End of Year INB 8-9 Meant to Me Template

    4. End of Year INB 10-12 School Days Template

    5. End of Year INB 13-15 What I Learned Template

    6. End of Year INB 16-17 Year in Review Template

    7. End of Year INB 18-19 Year in Review Booklet Template

    8. End of Year INB 20-21 Learn Booklet Template

    9. End of Year INB 22-24 School Year Mini Memory Book Template

    10. End of Year INB 25-28 School Year Memory Book Template

    11. End of Year INB 29-31 Top Ten List Template

    1. Life Science Doodle Maps


    2. Cells Parent Guide

    3. Cells Student

    4. Classification Parent Guide

    5. Classification Student

    6. Evolution and Ecology Parent Guide

    7. Evolution and Ecology Student

    8. Genetics Parent Guide 2020

    9. Genetics Student

    10. Human Body Parent Guide

    11. Human Body Student

    12. Scientific Method Parent Guide

    13. Scientific Method Student

    14. Word Roots Parent Guide

    15. Word Roots Student

Curriculum details:

  • 50 lessons
  • Extra love for your teacher toolbox